Barefoot Boulderer Repeats L'Alchemist 8B+ | Climbing Daily,...

2016-02-03 2

Charles Albert has repeated Marc LeMenestrel's originally unrepeated L'Alchimiste left exit at Apremont, Fontainbleu, after a vital hold was chopped a decade ago. The 18 year old French climber who climbs barefoot (yes barefoot) has suggested a personal grade of 8B+ despite the slightly different right exit being given 8C by Nalle Hukkataival and Alban Levier. Check out more from Charles Albert in his EpicTV profile here.

Over in the UK, the Beastmaker International Footless Festival or BIFF was sorting the men from the Minions as the Wideboys made an appearance to prove their worth. Pete and Tom had recently made their annual costumed ascent of Masters Edge in their inflatable Minion costumes, suggesting it was the hardest ascent yet.

Over in the states it was the finals of the Bouldering National Championships, where Alex Puccio and Jimmy Webb both lost the top spots to Megan Mascarenas and Nathan Coleman respectively. This is the first time in nine years Daniel Woods hasn’t been on the podium, winning the past nine nationals.

Plus, we take a look at the all new Scarpa Instinct VS R, demoed for us at ISPO 2016.

Barefoot Boulderer Repeats Alchemist 8B+ | Climbing Daily, Ep. 652